1. (neu) | Honest Candidate | 676.551* | 908.801** | 1. Wo |
2. (neu) | Little Women | 312.718 | 463.732 | 1. Wo |
3. (1) | The Closet | 209.992 | 1.144.871 | 2. Wo |
4. (-) | Parasite | 89.110 | 10.227.542 | 38. Wo |
5. (neu) | Sonic the Hedgehog | 68.239 | 87.121 | 1. Wo |
6. (3) | The Man Standing Next | 65.929 | 4.723.000 | 4. Wo |
7. (2) | Birds of Prey: The Emancipation of Harley Quinn | 40.498 | 373.729 | 2. Wo |
8. (6) | Jojo Rabbit | 22.685 | 80.512 | 2. Wo |
9. (5) | Miniforce: Deeno the King of Dinosaurs | 21.508 | 71.542 | 2. Wo |
10. (4) | Hitman: Agent Jun | 13.656 | 2.400.382 | 4. Wo |
* Besucher am Wochenende
** Besucher insgesamt