1. (neu) | Conjuring 3: Im Bann des Teufels | 294.515* | 345.756** | 1. Wo |
2. (2) | Cruella | 247.606 | 664.311 | 2. Wo |
3. (1) | Fast & Furious 9 | 173.138 | 2.049.941 | 3. Wo |
4. (5) | Demon Slayer: The Movie | 24.948 | 2.099.135 | 20. Wo |
5. (3) | Pipeline | 13.136 | 124.003 | 2. Wo |
6. (neu) | The Professor and the Madman | 5.856 | 13.103 | 1. Wo |
7. (neu) | BanG Dream! Episode of Roselia I:Promise | 5.401 | 7.351 | 1. Wo |
8. (7) | Poupelle of Chimney Town | 4.964 | 20.577 | 2. Wo |
9. (6) | Stand by Me Doraemon 2 | 4.790 | 79.332 | 3. Wo |
10. (neu) | Not Out | 3.608 | 5.774 | 1. Wo |
* Besucher am Wochenende
** Besucher insgesamt